Manipur Cop Thonaujam Brinda returns gallantry award

Manipur, Dec 19: A decorated Manipur Cop Thonaujam Brinda, who was awarded the Chief Minister’s Police Medal for Gallantry in 2018 for her contribution in curbing smuggling activities in the state returned her medal Friday. The recognition was part of the chief minister’s ‘War against Drugs’ initiative.

Brinda’s decision comes a day after the Special Court (ND & PS) Manipur acquitted Lhukosei Zou, a former chairman of the Autonomous District Council (ADC), Chandel, and six others in the 2018 drug haul case.

Brinda, an assistant superintendent of police, was instrumental in Zou’s arrest in a major operation launched by Manipur Police in 2018. She was also awarded the Chief Minister’s Commendation Certificate in 2019.

Brinda said, “My charges against the system are hence proved.”

She had made news earlier this year for her allegations against the Chief Minister, of directly, and through his senior officials, “piling pressure” on her to release Zou.

In a letter addressed to Chief Minister N. Biren Singh Friday, Manipur Cop Thonaujam Brinda wrote: “I feel morally inclined that I have not conducted my duty as ‘per the wishes’ of the Criminal Justice Delivery System of the land. Hence, for the reason cited above, I do not consider myself deserving of the honour bestowed upon me by your good self. I, therefore, return the same to the State Home Department so that it may be given to a more deserving and loyal police officer.”


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