
1. Bongaigaon District Commissioner alters school timings due to heatwave.
2. The decision applies to government and private schools.
3. The aim is to address heatwave concerns for student safety.

Guwahati, May 25: Bongaigaon District Commissioner’s Office, Assam, has revised school timings due to severe heatwave conditions.

The modification applies to both government and private schools to ensure students’ health and safety.

The order, implemented by the Inspector of Schools/DEEO, Bongaigaon, sets different timings for various school levels.

Lower primary schools: 7 am to 10 am. Middle English and upper primary schools: 7 am to 11 am. High schools and higher secondary schools: 7 am to 12 noon.

Outdoor activities like sports and assemblies are suspended. Indoor activities are allowed if they don’t involve strenuous physical exertion.

Schools must provide cool drinking water, and shaded areas, and advise students to carry water bottles. Immediate medical attention is required for heat-related illnesses.

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Communication channels must inform students, parents, and staff about the revised timings and safety measures.

Strict compliance is mandated by all educational institutions, with inspectors ensuring adherence under penalty.

The order remains effective until further notice, with adjustments based on ongoing weather assessments.