Lovlina Borgohain

1. Lovlina Borgohain won silver at the Grand Prix 2024 in the Czech Republic.
2. The event was held from June 12 to 15.
3. Lovlina showcased her skills in a round-robin format.

Sports, June 17: Olympics bronze medallist and pride of Assam, Lovlina Borgohain, clinched the silver medal at the Grand Prix 2024 competition held in the Czech Republic.

The event took place from June 12 to 15, where Lovlina showcased her all-around skills in a round-robin format.

On the final day, she faced a fierce battle against China’s Li Qian and narrowly lost the contest 2-3. Despite the loss, her overall performance earned her a silver medal.

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Earlier in the competition, Lovlina secured a 3-2 victory against England’s Chantal Reid but faced a setback by losing 0-5 to Cindy Ngamba of the Olympic Refugee team.

Lovlina previously secured a bronze medal in the welterweight category at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Expectations are high as she will be one of the key boxers representing India at the Paris 2024 Olympics, scheduled from July 26 to August 11.

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Her participation adds to India’s formidable boxing squad, which has secured six quotas for the Paris Olympics. Alongside Lovlina in the quest for Olympic glory are Amit Panghal (51 kg), Nishant Dev (71 kg), Nikhat Zareen (50 kg), Preeti Pawar (54 kg), and Jaismine Lamboria (57 kg). Lovlina will compete in the women’s 75 kg category.

These athletes earned their spots through stellar performances at the Asian Games in Hangzhou last year, and the remaining three quotas were achieved during the Boxing World Qualifiers event in June, where Amit Panghal, Nishant Dev, and Jaismine Lamboria secured their places by winning their respective quarterfinal bouts.