Guwahati rainfall

1. Intense rainfall in Guwahati, including Anil Nagar and Chandmari, results in severe waterlogging.
2. Daily life is severely disrupted as streets become submerged.
3. Residents and commuters face significant challenges due to the waterlogged conditions.

Guwahati, June 17: Intense rainfall in Guwahati, including Anil Nagar and Chandmari areas, has caused severe waterlogging, severely disrupting daily life.

Streets are submerged, posing challenges for residents and commuters.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts continued rainfall throughout the week, suggesting further difficulties ahead for the city.

Local authorities are urged to take swift action to manage the situation and minimize public inconvenience.

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In the past 24 hours, relentless torrential rains have led to a significant increase in water levels in the Brahmaputra River and its tributaries across Assam, surpassing the warning level.

This rise has disrupted road and rail connections in the northeastern region due to landslides and ongoing rainfall threats.

The IMD has issued a serious warning, highlighting the imminent risk of flash floods in Assam and Meghalaya as heavy rainfall persists.

Authorities remain on high alert, preparing emergency responses to protect affected communities.