Mumbai, July 07: Legendary Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar passed away on Wednesday. The actor had been witnessing age-related health issues for the last few days and had been admitted to the hospital multiple times.
He was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of Mumbai’s Hinduja Hospital on June 30. Kumar’s wife Saira banu had been with him throughout and had assured fans that his condition was stable. Banu’s last tweet read, “Dilip Kumar Sahab’s health is still stable. He is still in ICU, we want to take him home but we are waiting for doctors’ approval as they know his medical condition as soon as doctors allow, will take him home. He will not be discharged today. Need prayers of his fans, he will be back soon.”
Tarana 1951. Retweet if it was good.
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) June 25, 2021
Earlier, Dilip Kumar was hospitalized on June 6 after experiencing breathlessness. He was diagnosed with bilateral pleural effusion — a build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs and underwent a successful pleural aspiration procedure. He was discharged after five days.
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Known as the ‘Tragedy King’ of Bollywood, the veteran actor’s career spanned over six decades. He has acted in over 65 films in his career and is known for his iconic roles in movies like ‘Devdas ‘(1955), ‘Naya Daur’ (1957), ‘Mughal-e-Azam’ (1960), ‘Ganga Jamuna’ (1961), ‘Kranti’ (1981), and ‘Karma’ (1986). He was last seen in ‘Qila’ in 1998.