Racism Meghalaya

Mumbai, April 17: The incident of racism against a makeup artist from Meghalaya has once again brought to light the persistent discrimination faced by people from Northeastern states in India.

The incident took place in Mumbai when the victim, who goes by the handle aunadinephanbuh, was out with her friends and was subjected to racial slurs by a group of people.

The group passed derogatory comments like “China Maal” or “China ka maal” at the victim and her friends. When confronted about their behavior, the group turned violent and threatened the victim and her friends.

The incident has sparked outrage on social media, with many people from Northeastern states sharing their own experiences of discrimination and racism in different parts of the country. The victim’s post has received widespread support and condemnation of the incident, with people urging the authorities to take action against the perpetrators of the racist attack.

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This is not the first time that people from Northeastern states have faced discrimination in other parts of India. They are often subjected to racial slurs, physical violence, and other forms of discrimination due to their appearance and cultural differences.

In response to such incidents, various initiatives have been taken to raise awareness about the issue and to promote greater understanding and acceptance of people from Northeastern states. For instance, the Northeast Support Centre and Helpline (NESCH) was established in 2007 to provide support and assistance to people from Northeastern states facing discrimination in different parts of India.

However, incidents of racism against people from Northeastern states continue to occur, highlighting the need for more comprehensive measures to address the issue. There is a need for greater awareness about the diversity and richness of cultures and traditions in India, and to promote greater understanding and respect for people from different parts of the country.