Bollywood, Nov 15: A fan page of Rajkumar Rao has shared the wedding invite on Twitter. After being in a relationship for more than a decade, Rajkummar Rao and his girlfriend Patralekhaa are all set to get hitched in an elaborate ceremony in Chandigarh on 15th November.
The pre wedding ceremonies of Rajkumar Rao began on Saturday with an intimate celebration in an exotic resort. Now, their wedding invite has surfaced online which confirms the date of their wedding.
A fan page shared the wedding invite on Twitter. The card has chandeliers, lotuses, and a monument similar to the venue hotel printed on it. It read, ‘Rao family and Paul family invite you for the wedding of Patralekhaa (Daughter of Ajit Paul and Papri Paul) with Rajkummar (Son of Kamlesh Yadav and Satyaprakash Yadav) Monday 15th Nov ‘21 Oberoi Sukhvilas Chandigarh’.
Everyone is invited in this beautiful wedding ceremony 🥺❤️(virtually😹) of #RajkummarRao #Patralekhaa
— Rajkumar Rao(Rini) (@Rajkummar_vibes) November 14, 2021
Before this, several photos and videos from Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa’s engagement went viral on social media platforms.