Sikkim Nairobi flies

Gangtok, July 06: A new virus has been spread in the East of Sikkim which has been named Nairobi flies. Around 100 students of an engineering college have reported skin infections after coming in contact with the virus.

According to officials, the population of Nairobi flies is growing at a fast pace on campus of the Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT) in Majhitar.

What are Nairobi flies?

Nairobi flies, also known as Kenyan flies or dragon bugs, are small, beetle-like bugs that belong to 2 species, Paederus Eximius and Paederus sabaeus. They are orange and black in color and thrive in regions with excessive rainfall, as has been witnessed in Sikkim withinside the beyond few weeks. Like maximum bugs, beetles are attracted with the aid of using shiny light.

Dr. Abhishek Dey describes the Nairobi flies in simple points to make it clear.

Also Read: What are Nairobi flies that are inflicting ailment in Sikkim?

Check out the pointers:

1. Nirobi flies are nothing but paederous a group of insects that typically cause irritant contact dermatitis to the skin known as paederous dermatitis. It has many local names like congress Gida in Karnataka or acid flies in certain parts of eastern India.

2. It is NOT an insect bite. It happens when someone crushes the insect (usually when sleeping) and rubs it on the skin

3. The body fluid of paederous contains certain chemicals like paederin which when in contact with skin causes severe irritation, redness, burning, and swelling

4. It starts about 3 hours to 24 hours after one is exposed to the insect

5. Best first aid is to apply ice on the affected areas and can use some calamine lotion

6. Usually doctors give moderately strong topical steroids, but this is not to be used without prescription

7. With the medication the lesions subside in about three to seven days leaving behind a blacking patch for a couple of weeks

8. This is definitely not a new menace, neither does it need something to panic about. It’s usually seasonal, a thorough cleaning of homes and hostels, and shifting furniture can clear the insects from the house and therefore recurrence chances

9. This is not contagious, and neither is herpes. So no need for antiviral or isolation

10 particularly vulnerable populations are kids, and people who have more sensitive skin. A reaction near the eyes warrants a visit to an eye consultant

Study says that the insects breed because of unusually heavy rains and are beneficial to agriculture because they eat crop pests. People are advised not to crush it and to gently brush or blow the insect off their skin to prevent irritation.