First time since the 1800s, no Khagyad Chaam in Sikkim due to COVID-19

Sikkim, Dec 15: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first time since the 1800s Buddhist monasteries of Nynmapa and Khagyu sects will not organize the famed Khagyad Chaam, a traditional mask dance this year in Sikkim.

The mask dances, performed by monks, are held every year in various monasteries in the state during the Bhutia festival of Losoong (New Year), and are visited by thousands of devotees as well as tourists from all over the world.

Every year pujas and dances are held over ten days but this time the rituals will be performed for three days, during which Guru Thakmar pujas will be offered for global peace and protection of the world against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the wake of the pandemic, the state government has suggested to cut down on the festivities like Khagyad Chaam, which are attended by thousands every year.